Boy 1 – HOLD – CK
Week 8 Update: Pups are all doing EXCELLENT! This week is confused ear week. Sometimes up & sometimes down. Babies are growing so fast at this point that ears are one of the biggest growing body parts, making them heavy, so that creates confused ear week. Everyone has nice solid stools now. The big yard isn’t as exciting now as it’s “just the same ‘ole yard”, nothing new now. What is exciting is sticks and leaves!! As the snow has melted these are new discoveries and are more exciting then even our toys! These are new toys! *All these pups are absolutely MASSIVE!! I cannot get them pictured proper;y to show just how big in person they are. I tried this week to have Ron hold them to try to show their size however they still look small even with him holding them. Several breeders have small pups (nothing wrong with that) and feel the need to take deceptive pics to make their pups look huge (and they’re very good at that skill). I never have and never will take a deceptive pic. I’m actually having the opposite problem with pictures. The pups look so much smaller then what they are. I just can’t capture their true size. Pups are 2-3 times the size of what they look like in pics and definitely twice the size of what they look like in the pics with Ron holding them. *I do have additional pics of Ron holding them in various positions if you’re interested let me know. *Also I promise I will be catching up on getting the past weeks videos up. This week I’ve been dealing with my 19 year old kitty having another medical issue. My life is surely not lacking in need of things to fill my time, I need more time! Cam streaming is still a goal however I’m not sure if we are going to reach it. We live in deep country and our WIFI is horrible so I’ve been testing the cam as outside streamers would and it’s not to a streaming quality I’d ever use.
Week 7 Update: Pups are having a blast now in the big yard. They’ve graduated from the baby puppy yard. They are still having a blast with all the snow we have (it’s ALOT)! Still working on getting a couple pups solid but those couple are super close, no more weaning diarrhea, YAY! More ears are up this week and others are starting to perk up and down at leisure. Tug-o-War is the most exciting thing in the world for these guys right now, except food! Nothing ever is more exciting then food. *6 week videos will be uploaded with 7 week videos* Each pup has their own 7 week old video.
Week 6 Update: Not much too eventful for updates this week. Pups ears are starting to go up and they absolutely love the snow!! Some pups are having a harder time adjusting to weaning so have put on less weight due to the dreaded “weaning diarrhea”. It takes us about a week to get them solid again and back on track. We are still working diligently at getting the cam ready for live streaming. It will be ready soon. We are a week behind because of being sick.
Week 4 Update: Babies are becoming fun puppies this week. They are exploring, playing, and eating mushy food & drinking water. They are starting to prefer their fur-mom isn’t around them as much now because she doesn’t let allow them to misbehave like they want. Although their current human family doesn’t let them misbehave very much either but we give them fun toys, belly rubs, and body massages. Babies are still nervous when being picked up and instantly assume the prayer position with their front legs crossed. This starts to subside around 6 weeks of age as puppies confidence builds. We’ve been asked by a few families what their baby weighs so I’ve included weights on their pics. Weights at this age are honestly meaningless, except to gauge current size and by allowing us to monitor that everyone is doing well nutritionally and increasing in weight appropriately and not staying the same or dropping weight. Babies are just learning to eat & drink, as well as, being more independent of mom so some babies prefer more mushy food while some still prefer mom’s milk. Those still preferring mom’s milk more over mushy food will weigh less. By 6 weeks of age you’ll start to see pups weights equaling out between them.
Week 3 Update: Babies can control their own body temperatures now and are no longer dependent on heaters to ensure they stay nice and toasty. It’s quite the ordeal keeping babies content before they can control their own body temperatures. If their area gets too hot it’s very dangerous, if it gets too cool it’s very dangerous. Week 3 is a reprieve from stress of ensuring the babies stay just the right temperature. They are also now used to mom leaving them and going outside to go potty and stretch. They no longer cry for her the whole time she’s away. Now they utilize the mom-free time to test out their wrestling skills. Little personalities are starting to develop as they are starting to venture out of the bedroom which is their “safe area” to the living room. Soon they’ll be exploring.
Week 2 Update: All babies eyes and ears are open now. Babies can only see a very small distance in front of them. Week 2 pictures are the most difficult to take because we cannot use the flash and must shine a light from behind the babies to protect their newly open eyes. Babies spend all their time milking, sleeping, & going potty. Once in awhile we can spot a couple starting to mouth wrestle with each other. Definitely have their howls and are not afraid to use them, lol!